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Operative news
Illicit trafficking of drugs and medical supplies of unknown quality for 778 million soums have been stopped. Operative news

Customs authorities systematically carry out measures to combat the illicit trafficking of drugs and medical supplies of unknown quality.


An attempt to smuggle 1.1 million pyrotechnics has been uncovered Operative news

As the New Year approaches, smuggling, transportation across the border and sales of pyrotechnics are increasing. In this regard, a systematic work is being carried out at border areas to combat illicit trafficking in pyrotechnics.


Attempt to traffic 28 thousand units of psychotropic drugs illegally had been prevented. Operative news

As you know, the use of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances, the sale of which is limited on the territory of our Republic, without a doctor’s prescription is prohibited by law.


The phones hidden inside an electric scooter were exposed Operative news

Attempts to smuggle cell phones are timely eliminated by customs officers.


Illegal import of 1168 dental instruments has been stopped Operative news

According to the current rules, the import and export of medical devices without state registration and without customs clearance is allowed in an amount of not more than 5 units. However, another fact was revealed at Tashkent International Airport on non-compliance by one of the passengers with the established restrictions.


A citizen was detained while trying to smuggle more than $ 100,000 Operative news

The customs authorities promptly prevent the facts of offenses related to the export of cash foreign currency through the customs borders of our state.


7.2 kg of marijuana was found in a house Operative news

Customs officers are systematically fighting illegal drug trafficking.


Illegal circulation of medicines of unknown quality have been stopped Operative news

Customs authorities are systematically fighting the illicit trafficking of drugs of poor quality.


Drugs delivered via international mail did not reach destination Operative news

According to the Convention on international mail, sending medicines which have psychotropic substances and drugs in it is strictly prohibited.


"Marijuana" was hidden under grain carriage Operative news

The legislation provides the legal basis for prevention and suppression of drug-related crime, cooperation of law enforcement agencies, treatment of drug addicts and other important issues.


Illegal import of iPhone 11 mobile phones had been revealed Operative news

In the parking of Tashkent International Airport, a man who brought a batch of new iPhone 11 from abroad was detained by customs officials.


Drugs hidden in foreign currency were detected by customs officials Operative news

Customs officers in cooperation with other law enforcement agencies are effectively combating illicit drug trafficking.


Revealed customs payments evasion Operative news

Employees of the Office for Combating smuggling and customs violations of the State Customs Committee have revealed yet another fact of evading customs payments.


Illegal trafficking of drugs have been revealed Operative news

Customs officials, together with representatives of other law enforcement agencies, are engaged in a fight against illegal drug trafficking.


Customs officers stopped the illegal export of unique cultural property worth over 2.2 billion UZS Operative news

One of the main tasks of the customs authorities is to monitor the export and import of cultural property in accordance with the law.


Customs officers found almost 21 kg of marijuana in Termez Operative news

One of the priority tasks of customs is the identification, prevention and suppression of crimes in the field of illicit trafficking and cultivation of drugs.


Illegal export of exotic primate, orangutan cub, have been stopped Operative news

The State Customs Service is also taking measures to protect wildlife, in particular, to curb the illegal trade in exotic animals.


2,617 pieces of "Tropicamide" drug were seized by customs officials. Operative news

Attempts to smuggle drugs of non-guaranteed quality into the country are being timely eliminated by the customs authorities.


Customs officers have stopped smuggling of more than 1 kg of jewelry Operative news

Customs officers are preventing timely attempts by some people to smuggle jewelry into our country.


"Marijuana" instead matches. Operative news

Customs officials, together with representatives of other law enforcement agencies, are effectively fight against illicit drug trafficking.


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