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Goals and tasks of the Council

Public Council under the State Customs Authorities.

The Public Council under the Customs authorities is a permanent, advisory and consultative body that conducts its work on a public basis. The Public Council is organized under the central office of the State Customs Committee and its activities are applied to all regional and structural divisions of the State Customs Committee. The Public Council is established by the order of the Chairman of the SCC and its decisions are of recommendation character.

The main objectives of the Public Council are:

taking into account public interest and public opinion in the adopted normative-legal acts, decisions, as well as in the state, sectoral and regional development programs, ensuring compliance with the requirements of the legislation in the field of protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens, legal entities,

Carrying out public control over the activities of customs authorities and their officials on the performance of agreements, contracts, projects and programs that are entrusted to the State Customs Service and performing functions and functions affecting social and public interests, provision of public services, social partnerships;

to fulfill the role of the "bridge" that connects the customs authorities with citizens to ensure the effective co-operation of the customs authorities with non-governmental, non-profit organizations, the media and other civil society institutions;

systematic monitoring and comprehensive analysis of public opinion on the activities of the Customs authorities on the most important issues affecting the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens, conducting sociological surveys, including by using information and communication technologies;

Participation in the development and implementation of state programs and other programs in the field of anti-corruption activities, monitoring and analysis of anti-corruption work, as well as preparation of proposals on their results;

Monitoring of the activities carried out to ensure the transparency of customs authorities, analysis of opportunities for obtaining detailed information on its activities, developing proposals for their further expansion;

studying the conditions created for the participation of citizens in the reform of the customs authorities, and developnig proposals for their improvement;

Participation in explanatory work and spiritual-enlightenment activities between citizens on the activities of customs authorities and elaborating proposals on increasing their effectiveness;

complex analysis of housing, social and service conditions of employees of the customs authority and their families, conditions of their qualified medical care, as well as social and professional adaptation of dismissed or retired employees and making proposals on improvement of these conditions.

The Public Council performs the following functions in accordance with its responsibilities:

participates in consideration of initiatives and appeals of citizens, non-governmental non-profit organizations and other civil society institutions on issues related to the activities of customs authorities, as well as makes relevant proposals to the Customs authorities on the results of their consideration;

analyzes the interaction of customs authorities with citizens, non-governmental, non-profit organizations and other civil society institutions, as well as develops proposals for improvement of cooperation;

develops proposals on improving its regulatory and legal acts and decisions concerning the activities of customs authorities, eliminating existing shortcomings, and participating in the organization of events for discussion among the members of the Customs authorities;

prepares proposals for state programs, action plans and other documents relating to the activities of customs authorities, including those related to anti-corruption, participates within the competence of implementing the adopted programs, analyzes the effectiveness of the work performed and eliminates mistakes and shortcomings prepares proposals for the submission;

Participates in the organization of meetings with heads and employees of the customs authorities with citizens, as well as in the organization of work related to consideration of applications of individuals and legal entities, including on places, conducting monitoring of their implementation;

facilitate the improvement of the housing, social and living conditions of the staff of the customs authority and their families, the conditions for providing them with qualified medical care, as well as solving the problems of social and professional adaptation of dismissed or retired employees;

organizes wide explanatory work among the staff of the state bodies on social and legal protection of employees and their families; ensuring the development of a healthy business environment in all the structures of the customs authority, ensuring the rule of law, high legal culture and ethics, strengthening respect for the spirit of patriotism and respect for the law in the staff, their social, political, and spiritual enlightenment, develops proposals for the improvement of educational literature;

Ensures regular public awareness on systemic measures to reform the customs authorities in the country and abroad, and develops proposals to address existing problems and eliminate deficiencies;

Participates in organizing scientific-theoretical and scientific-practical conferences, seminars, roundtables dedicated to the activities of customs authorities; analyzes the outcomes of the work carried out on the coverage of the activities of the Customs authorities in the media, develops proposals for increasing their effectiveness and elimination of existing deficiencies; cooperate with non-state non-profit organizations, the media, other civil society institutions and citizens in fulfilling its tasks.

To fulfill the responsibilities and functions of the Public Council:

Predicting an information on forthcoming and participating in public meetings and other public events organized by the Customs authorities;

visiting the premises (rooms) and other objects of all customs structures of the customs authority in the order established by the Customs authorities;

making proposals to the heads of all customs structures on issues within the competence of the Public Council;

obtaining the information, statistical and other materials of the customs authority in accordance with the established procedure necessary for the development and implementation of proposals and recommendations on increasing the effectiveness of customs authorities;

Participation in the provision of public and expert discussion of draft laws and regulations developed by the Customs authorities in the law-making activity;

Analyzing the quality of the responses to requests by individuals and legal entities by the Customs authorities;

to get acquainted with the housing, social and living conditions of the customs officials with their consent;

collaborate with the media on coverage of issues to be discussed at public council meetings;

to organize conferences, forums, seminars, roundtables and other events to fulfill the assigned tasks.

The Public Council may also have other rights according to the law.


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