for entrepreneurs and
FEA participants
Procedure of transferring the motor vehicles by physical entities

According to the Article 62 of the Customs Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, temporary import of motor vehicles imported by legal and physical entities of the Republic of Uzbekistan (except for international cargo transportation, as well as by the legislation and international treaties of the Republic of Uzbekistan) is not permitted.

Phisical entities of the Republic of Uzbekistan have the right to temporarily export goods and (or) vehicles they need for non-commercial purposes outside the customs territory for the duration of their temporary stay in a foreign country.

Customs clearance of motor vehicles imported by physical entities is carried out at FEA customs post located on the territory of operation.

During the customs clearance of motor vehicles documents are submitted to the State customs service according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 2015, 20July №197 “On Approval of the List of submitted documents to the State Customs Service of Export-Import Operations”.

According to the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 2009, 22December, № PR-1245 retail trade with new import vehicles is carried out only by the official dealers of legal entities - manufacturers.

The procedure for customs clearance of foreign motor vehicles crossing the customs border is carried out in accordance with the Regulation “On the procedure for customs clearance of motor vehicles crossing the customs border” registered by the Ministry of Justice dated 2010, 19November,№ 2156.

According to the Article 159 of the Customs Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the total duration of stay of the motor vehicle temporarily imported by foreign phisical entities for non-commercial purpose on the customs territory should not exceed a total of ninety calendar days during the calendar year.

Temporary importation of means of transport may be allowed for more than above-stated period, with the payment of the fee established by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Means of transport should be temporary stored at locations designated by the customs authority prior to charging of fees.

This fee is not payable in the following cases:

for the period of temporary storage areas defined by the Customs authorities;

if a temporary imported means of transport has been improperly used as a result of secured legally, confiscated, accidental or force majeure event and has been approved by that authorized body.


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