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Order of filling and registration of the passenger’s customs declaration

Declaration is obligatory for:

goods, which exceed the limits of import of goods by individuals, which are not subject to customs duties;

with the change of the place of residence of a natural person (with an indication of a write-off from a previous residence) with the goods which are his personal property, not including the means of transport;

For non-commercial means of transport of individuals in the cases stipulated in Articles 158 and 160 of the Customs Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan; currency and currency values ​​of the Republic of Uzbekistan in cash, which are subject to a written declaration in accordance with the legislation;

goods which exceed the limits of the physical export of goods from the territory of the Republic; goods, which are subject to the relevant prohibitions and (or) restrictions in accordance with the legislation.

Declaration shall be completed by persons, aged 16 years, crossing the customs border of the Republic of Uzbekistan through the State border checkpoints in the above cases.

A person acting through the customs border may not be able to fill the Declaration himself freely (mentally ill, mentally handicapped, physically challenged, etc.), the declaration on behalf of the person shall be completed by the person who oversees it. At the same time, the person completing and signing the Declaration is responsible for the accuracy of the information contained in the Declaration.

Declaration shall be kept for three years from the date of issuance in customs bodies.

The Declaration is completed in duplicate in accordance with the Annex to the Instruction “On the Order of Filling and Registration of Passenger Customs Declaration”. One copy of the declaration remains in the customs authority and the second copy is given to the person who completed the declaration. The information provided in this Declaration will serve as a basis for the importation or exportation of cash in the national currency of the Republic of Uzbekistan, cash foreign currency, other foreign currency assets, any kind of valuable goods made of precious metals and precious stones (hereinafter referred to as valuable goods), goods and means of transport.

Declaration may be completed by residents in the Republic of Uzbekistan and non-residents by the exit of the Republic of Uzbekistan in one copy. At the same time, this Declaration remains with the Customs authorities.

All declarations should be completed and all questions should be answered.

The information should be written with a pen in clear and understandable way in the Uzbek (Cyrillic or Latin) Russian or English languages, in strictly indicated places. The appropriate boxes in the corresponding questions are answered by drawing the “X” sign.

The declaration will be completed as follows:

Item 1 indicates the information of the person (surname, name, date of birth, gender, series and number of passport), the country of permanent residence, citizenship, together with persons aged under 16 and their number;

Paragraph 2 includes the type of movement (entry, exit), country of origin and country of destination; Paragraph 3 deals with the purpose of the journey (service, study, employment, travel, relatives, treatment, permanent residence, commerce);

In paragraph 4 information on baggage availability is provided;

In paragraph 5 the existence and amount of cash national currency of the Republic of Uzbekistan, cash foreign currency, other foreign currency assets and valuables, which are subject to a written declaration in accordance with the legislation;

Paragraph 6 provides information on goods and means of transport.

Cash foreign and national currency of the Republic of Uzbekistan, currency valuables, valuables, goods and means of transport, which belong to persons under the age of 16 and which are subject to a written declaration, shall be provided in parents’, other relatives or other Individuals’ Declarations who escorts them.

Describing the goods referred to in paragraph 6 of the Declaration, as far as possible, is given by specifying their name, differentiation properties, quantities and their value in US dollars.

If there is not enough place in paragraphs 5 and 6 of the Declaration, for information on cash national currency, cash foreign currency, other foreign currency, valuables, they may be written as a continuation into another Declaration paper and it will be added to the Basic Declaration as an application. At the same time paragraphs 1 to 4 of the Additional Declaration are not filled.

Information on the transport vehicle moving on the customs border of the Republic of Uzbekistan in paragraph 6 of the declaration shall be filled in by the vehicle driver on the basis of a certificate of registration of the vehicle.

The declaration must be signed by the person who has filled it and before giving cash national currency of the Republic of Uzbekistan, cash foreign currency, other foreign currency, valuable goods, goods and means of transport to customs control.

Declaration on customs clearance is accepted by the customs authority simultaneously with the presentation of cash national currency, foreign currency, valuables, goods and means of transport indicated in it, to customs control.

Declaration must not be corrected or wiped off. In case of incorrectly filling of paragraphs, before the customs clearance of the Declaration, the person may correct the errors contained in these paragraphs with the cross out the line and manually correct the relevant information.

Any such correction shall be confirmed by the signature of the person completing the declaration and the personal seal of the Customs official. Information in paragraphs 5 and 6 of the declaration (part of goods) shall be drawn up by a customs officer in order to prevent any changes or additions made to them and all free blank spaces for the record shall be drawn up.

Customs clearance of the declaration is made by the customs officer signing a seal on the back of the Declaration.

Declaration can not be resumed if lost.

In case of loss of the declaration, the person shall have the right to receive a copy of the Declaration and information confirming the transfer of cash in the national currency of the Republic of Uzbekistan, cash foreign currency, other valuables, valuables and goods, from the customs authority, who has made the customs declaration.

Basic concepts

Residents - citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as foreigners and persons without citizenship, who have a permanent place of residence in the Republic of Uzbekistan;

non-residents - who are not mentioned in the list of residents;

foreign currency - foreign currency denominations in circulation, as well as banknotes, treasury bills and coins, legitimate means of payment in a foreign country.

The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan from August 5, 2014 of N 2606 “About the order of filling and registration of the passenger customs declaration”.


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