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Regulation on consideration of requests for information on activities of the State Customs Service

Regulation on consideration of requests for information on activities of the State Customs Service


 In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the State Customs Service” and “On Openness of Public Authorities” and the Order of the SCC number 197 dated July 3, 2014, the present Regulation regulates inquiries on obtaining information on the activities of the State Customs Service

 General rules

These rules are regulates: the procedure for ensuring access to information on the personality of individuals;

the procedure for considering petitions, proposals and complaints by customs authorities;

the procedure for submission, by the customs authorities, of information on their activities to the public authorities and other management bodies in connection with their exercise of their activity;

the information which are related to the activities of the Customs authorities, specific features of which are provided for by certain other types of legislative documents,

In this Regulation the following basic terms are used:

information user - the individuals or legal entities who is searching for the information about activity of organs of the state government and management;

request - a requirement in the form of verbal or written (including electronic document) sent to these bodies and (or) their officials on providing information on the activities of the Customs authorities;

information services – departments of Public and Media Relations of SCC, regional authorities of SCC in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions, city of Tashkent, “Tashkent-AERO” specialized customs complex;

Secretariat – Registrar’s and control department of the Work management  office of the SCC, Customs of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions, city of Tashkent, Organizational-Inspection Departments (divisions, groups) of Tashkent-AERO SCC, MCI and National dog handlers training centre.

Information users may apply directly or through their representatives for information provided by Article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Openness of Public Authorities and Governance”.

Information on the basis of information users' requests shall be provided by the Customs authorities, either verbally or in writing (including an electronic document) in accordance with these Regulations. The provision of information through information-library and archival funds is carried out in the order established by the legislation.

Information on the order of receiving requests in the Customs authorities shall be placed on their official web-site and in premises where users of information can access.

Requests for questioning

The request of a natural person shall contain information on his / her surname, name, place of residence and the essence of the request. The legal entity’s request shall contain the full name of the legal entity, its address (postal address) and the essence of the request.

The written inquiries must be verified by the personal signature of the user. If there is no possibility to approve the request with a personal signature, it must also be confirmed by signature, with the surname, name of the author. An untrusted request for information, with no personal information that will allow to identify the user, is considered anonymous and will not be processed.

The physical person, who makes an oral request, shall submit the information provided in Paragraph 6 of this Regulation, as well as his/her phone number. An official who makes an oral request on behalf of a legal entity shall give an information referred to in paragraph 6 of of this Regulation, as well as the position, surname, name and work telephone number. In cases where the information contained in this paragraph is not fully documented, verbal requests may be denied.

Electronic document inquiries (electronic queries) are considered in the presence of compulsory requisites in accordance with the requirements of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On electronic document circulation”

The request submitted in the established order must be considered. III. Reception and registration of written and electronic inquiries 11. Written and electronic applications submitted to the Customs authorities are accepted and registered by the Secretariat.

Acceptance and registration of oral inquiries

The oral inquiries are accepted by the information service at the Customs authorities. An information service officer is obliged to obtain, from the physical or legal person who is requesting, the full information mentioned in paragraph 8 of this Regulation.

The tasks assigned to the information services in this Regulation, in MCI and National dog handlers training center are carried out by the structural subdivisions, appointed by the head of the institute and the director of the center.

Terms and procedure of consideration of the request

The request of the information user shall be considered within fifteen days from the date of registration in the customs authority. The request of the mass media on the receipt of information, as well as the interview of the customs officials, shall be reviewed within a seven-day period.If a user’s request does not fall within the competence of the Customs authorities, the request shall be transmitted within three working days from the date of registration to the body authorized to submit the requested information, and the user shall be informed about.

If the Customs authorities do not have the information on the competence of other authorities of the state, the request shall be sent back, within three working days, to the user with an appropriate answer.

When requesting information which is posted on official publications (published) in mass media or posted on official websites, the customs authorities have the right to give an information, including the name of the official publication, the date and number of publication of the requested information and (or) a link to the official web site where the requested information is posted.

In case of rejection of the request, the user will be forwarded an informed response within a certain period of time.

Final rules

Employees who have violated the requirements of the present Regulations, will be responsible in accordance with the procedure established by the current legislation.

This Regulation is approved by the order of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan from August 30, 2014 of No. 258


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