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Duties and Functions of the Public and Mass Media Relations Department

Duties and Functions of the Public and Mass Media Relations Department

The main tasks of the department are: introduction of effective mechanisms and methods of open dialogue with the population, unconditional and qualitative fulfillment of the norms of physical and legal persons aimed at ensuring the rights to search, obtaining and disseminating information on the activities of state customs service;

Participation in the formulation and implementation of information policy, established by the SCC management in accordance with modern requirements;
Providing effective cooperation with the Press Service of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, information services of mass media and public associations in the implementation of the unified state policy in the field of information, elaborating and implementing comprehensive measures on it;
Objective, qualitative and timely notification of public about the activities of the SCC, normative-legal acts on its activities; interacting with the media, forming a network of journalists working together with the information service, distributing information (press releases, bulletins, etc.), providing information, in oral, written and electronic form, on the basis of media inquiries;

Organization of public events, including events (meetings, press conferences, briefings, seminars, roundtables, etc.) with the participation of the head of  SCC  and its’ officials;

informs the  public on the implementation of the tasks envisaged in the State Customs Committee's program, developed by the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the implementation of the Action Plan on five key priorities of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, including socially important programs; Organizing effective official web-site of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, regular delivery of information materials, control and coordination of other web-resources related to the structure of customs authorities;

prompt deployment and timely updating of information on the official website of the SCC, development of web resources of the Internet, including social and mobile network.

Monitoring and analysis of information space, preparation of proposals jointly with experts on the types, methods and level of immediate response to materials misinforming the reputation of the Customs authorities or the organization of complex work on distribution of materials in the media, including the Internet;

Coordination of accreditation of mass media correspondents of the Republic of Uzbekistan with the SCC and its territorial divisions; Preparation of news, informational materials, reviews and informational-analytical materials for dissemination in national and foreign mass media in conjunction with the SCC structural subdivisions;

Carrying out analytical work on studying public opinion on the activities of the Customs and the position of national and foreign mass media, and informing SCC administration about them;

Provide management of the SCC with a report on the status of transparency and openness in the activities of the Customs authorities;

Ensuring the organization and maintenance of a systematic database of analytical and statistical texts, photographic, audio, video and other information on the main directions of the activity of the SCC for informational-reference work with mass media;

Organization of open, direct contacts with officials of the State Customs Service on issues of meetings and briefings with representatives of civil society institutions and public representatives, ensuring economic security, prevention of smuggling, customs offenses and supporting foreign economic activity in the country;

Broad coverage in the mass media of the measures taken to create favorable conditions for active development of entrepreneurship and tourism; preparation of reports on seminars and roundtables held among entrepreneurs in cooperation with relevant structural subdivisions of the Customs authorities and the competent authorities to assist entrepreneurs in the development of export, promotion of local products and services on the external markets;  to take comprehensive measures to provide timely and reliable information on the activities of customs authorities in the field of prevention of offenses, ensuring economic security, supporting foreign economic activity and combating smuggling and customs violations; coordination of activities of information users on unimpeded access to information on activities of customs authorities;

Providing organizational and methodological assistance to the activities of the regional authorities’ public and mass media relations groups, analyzing and monitoring their activities and developing guidelines on their results;

The scientific-methodological organization of the activity of the “Customs History” museum, the collection of historical, cultural, scientific works and information related to the history and functioning of the national customs system;
Organization of the information-library work of SCC, regular replenishment of its fund with scientific-methodical, artistic and other literature in the field, organization of their storage and use, introduction of modern technologies in library work.

The department also performs other functions in accordance with the legislation.


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