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Restricted information on the activities of the Customs authorities

List of restricted information on the activities of the Customs authorities

The following is included in the list of restricted information for usage about the activities of the State Customs Service of the Republic of Uzbekistan:

  1. Personal data of employees of the State Customs Service;
  2. Information on the distribution and consolidation of the State Customs Service;
  3. Information on admission to bodies of the State Customs Service (on studying of candidates) and passage of service;
  4. Information on job descriptions of employees of the State Customs Service;
  5. Information on the amount, structure and expenditure of budget funds allocated by the State Customs Service;
  6. Information on the amount of tangible and intangible assets owned by the State Customs Service;
  7. Information on the protection of objects under the jurisdiction of the State Customs Service;
  8. Information on performance of official duties and observance of service discipline by employees of the State Customs Service;
  9. Information of confidential character of the Public Council of the SCC and its departments in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and the city of Tashkent, "Tashkent-AERO" SCC.
  10. Information on operational meetings conducted under the leadership of the State Customs Service;
  11. Information on the operational search activities of the State Customs Service;
  12. Information on persons involved in cases of violation of customs legislation;
  13. Information on the persons, who provided information to the customs authority with a hotline;
  14. Information on the amount of payments collected and charged to the State budget (except for the official data);
  15. Personal and trade secrets of legal and natural persons;
  16. Documents marked as “Service use”, “Hidden” and “Top secret” and information on their implementation.

Restrictions of information use not added to this list are subject to the authorization of the SCC and regional directorates.


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