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Procedure of licensing of customs warehouse activity

Customs warehouse is a specially equipped and designated place, which includes the premises and (or) open spaces and is intended for storage of goods under the regimes of temporary storage and (or) customs warehouse under the customs control.

In customs warehouse:

It is not allowed to store goods imported into the Republic of Uzbekistan and exported from the Republic of Uzbekistan, except seized goods by the customs authority and for goods placed under the customs warehouse established by the customs authority; It is not permitted storage of goods is prohibited for circulation and sale on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Goods used to maintain normal customs warehouses (eg loading-unloading equipment, refrigeration equipment, computer equipment, special clothing, etc.) are not placed under the customs regime.

In the customs warehouse and in the adjacent territory, the production of goods and other commercial operations shall not be permitted, except for the operations stipulated by the relevant customs procedures.

The customs warehouse may be open or closed type.

An open type customs warehouse is a customs warehouse that can be used by any person.

Closed-type of customs warehouse is a customs warehouse of certain persons, usually reserved for the storage of goods of the warehouse owner or for storing certain goods, including limited goods. Such persons and goods may be established by the customs warehouse owner upon the agreement with the customs authority when establishing a customs warehouse.

Open and closed customs warehouses can be used for storage certain types of goods requiring special storage conditions or goods damaging other goods (specialized customs warehouses).

Customs warehouses, established by the customs authorities of the Republic of Uzbekistan, are open type customs warehouses.

Customs clearance of goods stored in the customs warehouse shall be carried out in accordance with the customs legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the appropriate customs procedures due to submitted customs procedures.

Taking out of goods, which is not subject to customs warehousing, must be carried out not later than three days from the date of release of such goods in accordance with the selected customs procedure.

The license for carrying out the customs warehouse activities (hereinafter referred to as the license) is given by the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan (hereinafter referred to as the licensing body), to the legal entity, if the owner of warehouses, warehouse territory and supplementary premises intended for use are correspond to the requirements and conditions of the present Regulation.

If a customs warehouse is established by the customs authority, no license is required. The procedure for establishing and maintaining the customs warehouse shall be determined by the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan in accordance with the requirements and conditions established by this Regulation.

An exemplary (simplified) license shall be issued for the customs warehouse operations.

It is forbidden to grant a license or its’ rights to another persons.

Full regulation of customs warehouse licensing can be found in the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 2003,  November 20, № 523 “On Approval of Regulations on Licensing of the Customs Warehouse, Free Warehouse and Duty-Free Shop Activity”.


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