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Public and Media Relations Department of the State Customs Committee
It is important to ensure transparency of the activities of the State Customs Committee and regular information on the conduct of large-scale reforms in the various spheres carried out by customs officials in the field of foreign economic activity.

The State Customs Committee has many years of experience in establishing contacts and supplying with information on the activities of the Customs authorities with public, including participants of foreign economic activity, local and foreign media.

The State Customs Committee was established on October 25, 1991 by the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Media service (now called Section of interaction with public and mass media) was the part of it.

Section’s Charter and job instructions of staff are reworked and approved in 2018.
Current Charter of the Section provides timely notice  public representatives and participants of foreign economic activity on the actual aspects of customs authorities’ activity, implementation of a single customs policy, customs rules, procedures, new normative documents adopted in the field, changes  in them, for this purpose, closely cooperating with the public and the media, sharing information with them, providing information in the media and in the Internet, and systematically introducing different information for external users.

The department is equipped with sufficient material and technical base for efficient organization of its activity. It also has its own shooting and mounting techniques that provide a ready-made TV videos. The service PCs are connected to high-speed Internet.

In carrying out organizational and practical activities in order to fulfill the tasks assigned to it, the Public Affairs and Media Relations Department, in collaboration with regional customs administrations, works on the basis of plans approved by the leadership of the Committee.

In 2011, the Public Information and Media Relations Groups - Information Services were set up at the customs offices of the State Customs Committee in the Republic of  Karakalpakstan, the regions and the city of Tashkent, at the specialized customs complex “Tashkent-Aero”. In 2017, the Information Service of the State Customs Committee received the prestigious Oltin Qalam award.

Department of Public Relations and Mass Media of the State Customs Committee - Phone: 120-76-17 Head of the Information Service and provides information on the activities of the Customs authorities: Salomov Nurbek Normurodovich. Tel: 120-76-17


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