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About the information library.

About the information library.

At present, the Library of the State Customs Committee collects about 5,000 copies of more than 1,000 titled books.

Creation of Information Library and full filling it with modern equipment on the basis of  the Library of the State Customs Committee with the aim of providing quality information and library services to staff and assistant staff of the State Customs Committee on the basis of modern information and communication technologies, as well as the development of independent learning of staff and their family members is being completed.

It also promotes the productivity of the sector by expanding the spiritual outlook of employees, by promoting among customs  authorities the cultural, moral and ethical values ​​of our people across the country, as well as the use of world literature trends.

Legal bases for organization and equipping of information-library of the State Customs Committee:

Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan from  April 13, 2011 No. LRU-280 “On information-library activity”;

- Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan from February 23, 2011 #PR-1487 “About measures on further qualitative development of library and information resources services on the basis of information and communication technologies for 2011-2015”;

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan from July 5, 2011 of No. 198 “About approval of the plan of creating electronic library and full-text electronic information-library resources funds in information-library and information-resource centers and libraries”;

 The order of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan from February 25, 1999 № 55 “About further enhancement of SCC‘s Library activity”

Purpose of organization and equipping of information-library of the State Customs Committee.

 - Providing high-quality information and library services to certified, hired and service personnel of the Central Office of the SCC;

- Ensuring the preservation and maintenance of existing printed and electronic editions of the Fund’s information-library in adequate condition;

- Creation of favorable conditions for  electronic library in the future within the Fund of information-library of SCC, including supplying with modern information-communication technologies;

- Creation of a favorable environment for readers and users in the information library;


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