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Main tasks and functions of customs authorities

Main tasks and functions of customs authorities


The main tasks of the Customs authorities

The main tasks of the Customs authorities are:

Protection of the rights, freedoms and legally protected interests of physical and legal entities;

within its competence to protect the economic interests of the Republic of Uzbekistan and ensure its economic safety;

implementation of customs control and clearance;

charging of customs payments;

To carry out control over the observance of the customs legislation, prevention of violations of legislation, including smuggling, determining and prevention them;

monitoring of foreign trade operations, analysis of the performance of export-import contracts, as well as compliance with the legislation on legislation on currency operations related to the customs authorities the part of the foreign trade operations by foreign trade operations related to customs authorities;

Carrying out customs statistics on foreign trade and commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity; raising the legal culture of citizens in the customs sphere; systematic monitoring of the effectiveness of the risk management system;

Application of modern information and communication technologies and technical means of control; design of priority directions of development and improvement of customs matter;

ensuring fulfillment of obligations arising from the part of the international treaties related to customs matter of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The basic principles of activity of the customs authorities

The basic principles of the Customs authorities to comply with legality, openness, openness and transparency, observance of rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of physicals and legal entities and respect for these rights, freedoms and legitimate interests.  

Rights of Customs Authorities

Customs authorities have the following rights to perform their duties:

Checking information and documents for the implementation of customs control, oral questioning, obtaining information, customs inspection and personal examination, as well as checking the premises, territories and means of transport for customs clearance;

Implementation of customs control over goods and vehicles in order to verify the accuracy of information provided by individuals and legal entities, as well as the legality of their foreign economic activity after the release of goods and vehicles;

Implementation customs control over goods and means of transport for the purpose of verifying the accuracy of the information provided by physical and legal entities, as well as the legality of their foreign trade activities, after the release of goods and means of transport;

Request and receive information and documents related to export-import operations of banks, financial authorities and other organizations, as well as physical and legal entities;

Obtaining samples and copies of goods and other goods for the purpose of customs control;

Store and confiscation of goods and other valuables that are the subject of customs violations;

To carry out investigation, inspection and operational-search activities;

Administrative detention of persons who committed offenses;

Issuance of special permits and licenses;

The use of modern information and communication technologies and control methods in the activities of customs authorities;

Attraction of specialist or an expert to ensure compliance with customs legislation;

Making the proposals on improve the activities of the customs authorities.

Duties of Customs Authorities:

Customs Authorities:

Monitor compliance with customs legislation;

Control over the correctness, completeness and timeliness of charging of customs payments;

Organization of customs control;

Timely notify physical and legal entities of their rights and obligations when transportation goods and means of transport through the customs border of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

Non-disclosure of information constituting state secrets or other secrets protected by law that are known to them during performance of their official duties;

Prevention of violations identifying them and taking additional measures on causes and conditions that led to their occurrence;

To take measures aimed at preventing the commission of corruption and other official crimes in the customs authorities;

Promoting state safety, public order, life and health of citizens and the implementation additional measures of environmental measures;

Ensure compliance with information security requirements when using information and communication technologies.

From the Law “On State Customs Service” of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


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