for entrepreneurs and
FEA participants


If you are aware of any cases of customs law infringement or illegal actions of the customs officers, please inform the State Customs Committee on the hotline 11-08.

Reception of applications from individuals (physical) and legal entities through “Hotline” is carried out every day for 24 hours.

Citizens can report on corruption and other illegal actions by customs officials, as well as other offenses and illegal actions related to customs.

Anonymity of applications is guaranteed.

If the information provided is not associated with the above mentioned cases or is not related to the Customs authorities, then the responsible officer explains where to send a complaint.

The confidentiality of the information provided by the caller is guaranteed.

The application, received through the hotline, is registered and submitted to the management in prescribed manner on the basis of the statement and considered in accordance with the procedure and terms established by the legislation.


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