for entrepreneurs and
FEA participants
Procedure for import of motor vehicles by legal entities

Legal entities are not allowed to import motor vehicles to the Republic of Uzbekistan  for temporarily use, except for the international carriage of goods.

In case of importation of foreign motor vehicles to the Republic of Uzbekistan for use by legal entities of the Republic of Uzbekistan (hereinafter referred to as legal entities), these vehicles shall be subject to registration in the prescribed manner under the customs procedure of release to free circulation.

Customs clearance of motor vehicles imported by legal entities is carried out at FEA customs office located on the territory of activity.

In accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 2015, July 20, № 197 “On approval of the list of documents submitted to the State customs authorities in the implementation of export-import operations”, the following documents must be provided to the customs authorities.

Motor transport as a commodity imported into the territory are cleared on the customs regime “free circulation” or “temporarily imported”, after tat the electronic information is provided to the territorial bodies of the State Customs Committee by the territorial customs bodies of the customs authority (hereinafter referred to as “electronic data”) wil be formed by the electronic database of the SCC and sent to the teretorial bodies of State service safety of raod movement (SSSRM) in real-time mode.

This information includes:

  1. The name of the customs authority.
  2. CCD number and date.
  3. The name of the customs regime in which the vehicle is registered.
  4. Information on motor transport:

 type, brand name;

Year of manufacturing;

body number;

engine number;

chassis number.

  1. Information on the owner of the vehicle:

for physical entities - his / her last name, first name, and permanent address, telephone number and information about his identity;

for a legal entity – its short name and address (legal address), telephone number and e-mail address (if any).

  1. The final term of temporary importation of a registered vehicle.

Electronic data is not sent to motor vehicles without registration in SSSRM’s territorial bodies.

Persons, who have registered the vehicle under the customs regime of “free circulation” or “temporary import” to the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan within 10 days after registration of the CCD, must register the vehicle in the territorial bodies of SSSRM.

In the case of registration, the type, brand, and type of vehicle are recorded must be the same name as in the electronic information formed by the territorial customs body.

Electronic data is not sent to the vehicle being exported from the Republic of Uzbekistan and the basis for registration in the territorial bodies of the SRRS is Customs cargo declaration.

According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 2009, December 22, № PD-1245, retail trade with new import vehicles is carried out only by the official dealers of legal entities - manufacturers.


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