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Customs Institute

Customs Institute

During the globalization of the global economy and the acceleration of intergovernmental integration imply the challenges of today’s national customs authorities not only to ensure economic security of the country, but also to create favorable conditions for its participants and to regulate processes for the purpose of activating foreign economic activity.

The Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 2, 2018 “On measures radically improvement the system of training customs personnel in the Republic of Uzbekistan”, in essence, as an important document provides the development of international economic cooperation and the investment attractiveness of our economy, training, retraining and advanced training of customs officers who provide the knowledge and skills of customs officers, as well as the professional skills necessary to effectively carry out their tasks,  organization new content and form of scientific- research and development issues.

In accordance with the resolution, the Higher Military Customs Institute of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan was reorganized into the Customs Institute of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan as specialized higher education institution for training, retraining and advanced training of customs officers as well as scientific and methodological institution.

For the formation of a new system of training aimed at developing cadets’ skills of analytical thinking, independent acquisition of new knowledge and practical application in practice, taking into account international standards in the field of customs, the Institute has two stages: “Customs matter” and “Jurisprudence (legal security of economic safety) ” are being prepared for bachelors and masters in the specialty “Customs matter (by type of activity)”and “Tax and customs law”. Graduaters of specialty of “Jurisprudence” have the opportunity to expand their professional activities not only in the customs authorities, but also in other law enforcement agencies.

The resolution pays a special attention to the improvement of the quality of training specialists, strengthening the qualification requirements for the training of personnel, curriculum and programs.

In particular, in order to develop adequate practical skills, three-year theoretical courses and one-year internships in regional customs administrations will be conducted through the 2018-2019 academic year reduce the number of no special disciplines not related to the faculty, and increase the number of specialized subjects.

Availability of expertise in the field of experience, together with knowledge and skills, is one of the most important competencies necessary for a modern customs officer to know perfect one of the foreign languages, the ability to use information communication technologies in professional activities, as well as textual and non-binding will. Therefore, the Center for Development of Language and Psychological preparation is functioning in order to increase the psychological tolerance of cadets and listeners and to introduce a modern foreign language learning system.

Within the framework of the Comprehensive Program of Activities on the Use of ICT and the Introduction of an Effective Management System in the Educational Process, the Institute developed theoretical and practical training of cadets through the introduction of simulator complexes and flexible automated simulators, training video and electronic equipment, the formation of a educational resource base through training modules, expanding access to global information and legal resources for teachers and cadets. In particular, it will be possible to uninterruptedly connect the Information Resource Center of the Institute to the national “Education network” as well as the information library fund of the National Library of Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoi and leading foreign information and library resources funds.

The rapidly changing economic and legal reality requires that a modern pedagogue constantly work hard and keep practicing. Only high qualified teachers can provide high quality teaching. That is why teachers of the institute is fortified with high level of professional and pedagogical skills, including those with practical experience in the customs authorities, The teachers of the specialty are trained at the customs authorities with a target rotation of up to one year.

Customs institute also carries out important tasks, such as raising the level of professionalism teachers in the customs bodies, and the development of management skills in the relevant areas of customs activity. According to the Resolution introduction of the three-month higher education institutions “Customs management” courses for the preparation of the managerial staff of the customs authorities will bring the work to a qualitatively new level. but to train qualified teachers in a quality manner. It is difficult to imagine the cadets on the field without the use of modern educational forms and methods of teaching the system of in-depth knowledge, without the use of teaching-methodological materials.

Together with the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a new generation of manuals and tutorials are being prepared.

It should be noted that in the Republic as a single educational and scientific-methodological institution, the Institute carries out scientific research on the actual problems of ensuring the economic security of the country in order to improve customs control, and introduces the results of scientific developments will be introduced into the educational process and customs practice.

There is a periodic scientific journal “Customs Bulletin of Uzbekistan” under the Institute for carrying out of research works on the actual issues of customs matter.

The resolution also pays special attention to the issue of financial incentives of the teaching staff of the Institute. To this end, the staff of the institute are created monthly by a Special fund of the State Customs Committee in the amount of 70% of salary.

Another innovation is supported by the fact that the international cooperation in the institute’s activity is based on the exchange of experience and cooperation with leading foreign educational institutions in training, retraining and internships of teachers. Joint curricula with leading foreign specialized educational institutions on the bachelor and master’s degrees are being introduced.

In summary, this document will fundamentally change not only the duties of the educational institution where professional customs officers are trained, but also the methods and techniques of personnel training. The main goal is to expand the ranks of customs officers with modern economic and legal knowledge and a broader worldview in ensuring the economic security of the country in an increasingly innovative economy, growing international cooperation.


Address: 100071, Tashkent city, Shaykhantakhur region, Koziraobod street 2/118 

Tel: (+99871) 245-59-86

Fax: (+99871) 227-46-56

Head of the Institute- Ergashev Vosit Yakubovich

Tel: (+99871) 245-94-91


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