for entrepreneurs and
FEA participants
The order of presence of individuals or legal entities searching for information at public councils and council meetings at customs bodies

Organization of open hearings on regulation of relations in the sphere of openness of customs authorities is carried out in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On openness of the activity of state bodies and administration” and other relevant normative legal acts and relevant regulations adopted in this field.

Open meetings are organized by the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the customs authorities of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the regions, the city of Tashkent and the SCC “Tashkent-AERO” (here in after referred to as the Customs authorities).

If the information which is heard at the meetings of the customs bodies or councils of the customs authority is include the state secrets and other information protected by the law, this meeting or council meetings will be hold only in the presence of the customs officials.

The Customs authorities shall make all necessary conditions for information users at open meetings. The Customs authorities shall provide information on the premises, the agenda, the date and venue, time and other necessary information in the buildings that may be accessed by the user and the official WWW website (hereinafter referred to as the website).

The presence of information users in open meetings shall be made available pursuant to the requirements of the written request to the appropriate Customs Authority in accordance with Article 20 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Openness of Government Bodies and Administration” and order of SCC “On Approval of the Order of consideration of requests for information on activities of the State Customs Service” from August 30. 2014 №258.

Such a request should be made at least 20 days before the release of the information by users. Requests will be registered in the prescribed manner and handed over to the public secretary for review. Undisclosed queries that will not give an opportunity to identify users of information are considered anonymous and are not processed.

The secretary of the open meeting shall consider the request in accordance with the order and terms established by the legislation, and upon the results of the meeting the chairman of the meeting shall put users of the information into the list of participants in the meeting, informing them about it at least three days before the date of the meeting. If the request is rejected, the user will be forwarded a motivated reply.

 The members of an open board or board meeting are required to register in a separate journal. Users of information shall be presented at open meetings with indication of their identification documents.

In order to ensure information security in the customs authorities, it is forbidden for users of information to come to open meetings with mobile phones, computers and other information carriers. Except for the excuse that the consent to participate in an open meeting can not be present at an open meeting and notified the Customs authorities about this fact, the presence of the user in next meetings shall be made in accordance with the provisions set out above.

In case of non-attendance of the information user in an open session, the executive secretary of the board or council shall issue an act on that.

Depending on the organizational and technical capacities, the meeting hall will be equipped with space for users of information. The number of places for users of information is calculated based on the number of people willing to be present. Locations are distributed based on the sequence of records in the registry.

If there are too many users of the information requested to be present at open sessions and it is not possible to place them at the same time in the meeting room, some of them will be placed in one of the rooms equipped with necessary technical facilities, and make  necessary conditions to see (hear) the meeting.

The executive secretary of the Collegium or The jury is obliged to introduce users of information present at open sessions with the requirements of this Regulation and the Rules of Procedure of meeting. This presentation may be done by a written reply for the request of the information users on participating in an open session or by posting necessary documents on a web site.

Users of information should be strictly compliant with the requirements of the rules of the meeting when present at a public meeting. If the user fails to comply with the established internal procedures, the presiding will reprimand the infringer and, in case of repeated violations, will expel him from the meeting room.

If users of information are have feedbacks or questions while the meetings are hold, they will be explained the procedure of obtaining information on these issues. Only accredited mass media representatives (hereinafter referred to as mass media) are allowed to attend public meetings. Information on the accession of information users are recorded into the open meetings protocol.


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