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Illegal export of exotic primate, orangutan cub, have been stopped
The State Customs Service is also taking measures to protect wildlife, in particular, to curb the illegal trade in exotic animals.
Illegal export of exotic primate, orangutan cub, have been stopped

During the operational event held in the Zangi-ata district, customs officers of Tashkent regional administration, together with representatives of other law enforcement agencies, prevented the illegal export, by two citizens, of an exotic animal - orangutan cub.

The orangutan discovered during an attempt to smuggle it is one of the rare species of an apes. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, orangutans are threatened with extinction - there are about 100 thousand of them left in the world.

In the world of illegal wildlife trade, this type of primate is estimated at between $ 50,000 and $ 70,000. Currently, the discovered monkey was transferred to the Tashkent Zoo, where necessary care and supervision is carried out.

It should be noted that this is the only orangutan among the monkeys currently living in the zoo.

Also, in a car in which offenders were traveling, narcotic substances of marijuana and hashish wrapped in cash were found in the total amount of 0.49 grams and 4 pieces of the Regapen medicine, which is included in the list of potent substances, and also retail sale of which is carried out exclusively by social pharmacies and pharmacies licensed to store and dispense narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.

By the way, this is not the only fact of the illegal export of monkeys.

Several years ago, citizens were also detained at the airport of Tashkent, who tried to export newborn monkeys illegally hiding them in pockets.

These black-armed gibbons have also been transferred to the Tashkent Zoo.

At present, the necessary customs checks are being carried out on the fact of violation.

Press Service of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan


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