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An attempt to smuggle 1.1 million pyrotechnics has been uncovered
As the New Year approaches, smuggling, transportation across the border and sales of pyrotechnics are increasing. In this regard, a systematic work is being carried out at border areas to combat illicit trafficking in pyrotechnics.
An attempt to smuggle 1.1 million pyrotechnics has been uncovered

In particular, yesterday, employees of Department for Combating smuggling and customs violations of the Customs Administration of Ferghana region jointly with representatives of the State Security Service held an urgent action against the illegal turnover of pyrotechnics.

During the operational event, the car "Cobalt", driven by the citizen A.T. was stopped in Margilan city and examined in the presence of witnesses.

As a result, there were 558,000 pyrotechnic worth 55.8 million soums in the car luggage and saloon.

During the joint operation, the residence of N.Sh. in Fergana district, was examined in the prescribed manner with the participation of witnesses.

During the inspection it was revealed that 571,254 pyrotechnics were stored in the apartment illegally for a total of 69.6 million soums.

During the operational activities prevented an attempt to smuggle 1 129 254 pyrotechnics to the territory of the Republic.

Customs authorities are currently investigating these cases.


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