for entrepreneurs and
FEA participants
Revealed customs payments evasion
Employees of the Office for Combating smuggling and customs violations of the State Customs Committee have revealed yet another fact of evading customs payments.

Божхоначилар 1,2 млрд. сўмлик газламаларнинг ҳужжатларда сохталаштирилганлигини фош қилишди

At the customs post of foreign economic activity "Saykhun" during the customs control carried out in relation to 30 tons of fabrics (42.7 thousand meters) imported from abroad by the limited liability company "A.S.R.", an offense was revealed as a change product code according to the CN FEA.

During the inspection, samples taken from the consignment were sent to the Department of Customs Expertise and Maintaining the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity  to clarify the situation.

According to the results of the examination, it was found that the goods declared in the shipping documents as “Knitted fabric from threads of different colors with an elastomeric thread” actually turned out to be “Pile fabric, knitted or crocheted” goods.

Currently, goods with a total value of 1.2 billion soums have been transferred for temporary storage until customs officials clarify all the details of the offense.


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