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Operative news
Customs officers confiscated 232 million soums worth of drugs hidden in ISUZU Operative news

Customs authorities are systematically combating customs violation cases.


Hashish found in wallet Operative news

Illegal importation, as well as trafficking in narcotic substances are strictly prohibited and entail criminal liability. However, the facts of the commission of such offenses are still being revealed.


The Сustoms committee and the State Security Service officers detained a citizen who tried to take out over 516 thousand US dollars illegally. Operative news

The department for Combating smuggling and customs violations of the State Customs Committee, together with law enforcement officers from the State Security Service, prevented the illegal circulation of cash foreign currency.


Carried a large bag and looked around wary: in Bekabad district, smuggling of vedicines was stopped Operative news

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of drugs for many people. Someone takes medication periodically due to a malaise or a cold. Others literally depend on drugs, because with the help of medicines they maintain their health. But, unfortunately, there are people who take advantage of these needs and commit illegal actions in order to make a profit, forgetting that as a result of non-compliance with the elementary rules of their transportation, instead of treatment, drugs can cause irreparable harm to human health.



Customs officers detained the man who tied up about 2 kilos of hashish on his body Operative news

Recently, at the "Andarkhan" border customs post of the Customs Administration of Ferghana region, it was revealed a case of attempting to smuggle large amount of drugs.


Almost a half of a kilogram of gold jewelry was discovered by customs officers among the clothes of a citizen who arrived from abroad Operative news

Customs officers are conducting an effective fight against the illegal movement of precious metals and jewelry across the customs borders of our state.


Illegal trafficking of drugs have been stopped Operative news

Customs authorities are effectively fighting against illicit drug trafficking.


Surkhandarya customs officers suppressed another attempt of illegal movement of cultural property Operative news

The other day, officials of the border customs post “Ayritom” of Surkhandarya regional administration suppressed another fact of illegal transportation of unique historical and cultural values.


Customs officers detained drug trafficker at a cafe in Bulungur Operative news

Customs officers fight against the illicit trafficking of drugs systematically.


Illegally stored marijuana were discovered by customs officers Operative news

The customs authorities systematically combat illigal drug trafficking.


Drones that “flew” from abroad “landed” at the airport Operative news

Customs authorities are systematically combating violations of customs legislation.


Unlimited celebration of a "brand new" Audi is over Operative news

Customs officers are systematically fighting against customs offenses


Growing marijuana cost too much Operative news

The Anti-Smuggling and Customs Offenses department of Andijan Region customs administration jointly with the regional Department of internal affairs carried out a large-scale operation to detect drug smuggling.


Medicines of unidentified quality for about 216 million soums were seized during a customs inspection Operative news

Customs authorities are actively involved in the fight against illicit trafficking of medicines in the republic.


Customs officers seized non licensed hunting weapon and 2 kg. 200 gr. of hidden poppy. Operative news

The State Customs Committee's department for Combating Smuggling has uncovered another case of illicit trafficking of weapons and drugs.


At first sight the trailer was empty but ... Operative news

In Kashkadarya region, customs officers continue to work with law enforcement agencies to prevent the smuggling of non-ferrous metals from the territory of our country.


Customs officers seized more than 3.7 kg of marijuana in the city of Almalyk Operative news

The fight against smuggling of narcotic, psychotropic and potent substances, as well as their analogues and precursors, is one of the priority tasks of the State Customs Service of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


The poppy hidden in Volkswagen has been stopped Operative news

Today, there are still a number of factors that pose a threat to the future of humanity all over the world. One of these risks is the drug scourge.


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