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Surkhandarya customs officers suppressed another attempt of illegal movement of cultural property
The other day, officials of the border customs post “Ayritom” of Surkhandarya regional administration suppressed another fact of illegal transportation of unique historical and cultural values.
Surkhandarya customs officers suppressed another attempt of illegal movement of cultural property

In particular, in respect of a foreign citizen M.I. who arrived at the customs post "Ayritom" customs control was carried out in the prescribed manner.

As a result, when inspecting his luggage, under the rubber of the lid of an Afghan cauldron belonging to him, 52 units of ancient coins hidden from customs control and not declared in the passenger customs declaration were discovered.

According to the results of the examination, it turned out that the discovered coins belong to the III-II centuries BC and were minted during the Greco-Bactrian kingdom.

Cultural property seized as evidence is currently transferred to the Termez Archaeological Museum.

On the revealed fact of the offense, customs investigations are conducted.


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