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Operative news
The illegal sale of drugs has been revealed Operative news

The Customs authorities are systematically working to combat the illicit trafficking of drugs.


Attempts to smuggle drugs were revealed Operative news

Customs authorities are effectively fighting against illicit circulation of medicines and medical equipment.


What was hidden in the wagon shelves? Operative news

Customs authorities are systematically fighting against illegal drug trafficking.


Matchboxes with marijuana seized from resident of Navoi region Operative news

As you know, the illegal import of narcotic substances, cultivation, as well as their illicit trafficking are strictly prohibited by law, and entails criminal liability.


A citizen who kept at home about 190 grams of marijuana has been detained Operative news

The fight against the illicit movement of narcotic substances is always acute for customs. In this regard, the state customs authorities on an ongoing basis take measures to combat the illicit circulation of drugs in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


The drug dealer was revealed Operative news

The customs authorities systematically take measures to prevent the illegal storage, sale, distribution and consumption of narcotics.


A try to import jewelry illegally didn't work Operative news

Customs authorities are effectively combating cases of customs offenses.


The persons involved in illegal drug trafficking were seized Operative news

The customs authorities systematically combat the illicit trafficking of drugs.


Illegal import of 1320 liters of diesel fuel has been stopped. Operative news

Customs officers regularly take measures to prevent illegal import of fuels and lubricants.


The illicit trafficking of hashish has been stopped Operative news

The fight against drug trafficking has been systematically implemented.


Attemt to take out horns of Bukhara deer was prevented Operative news

Import and export of wild animals, their parts, collections of zoology, products of life activity and trophies in the Republic of Uzbekistan is carried out with permission issued by the State Committee for Nature Protection of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


Customs officers prevented illegal import of carrot seeds Operative news

Customs authorities have been systematically fighting against illegal import.


The plan to smuggle 153 million worth of jewelry has been exposed Operative news

Customs authorities are systematically fighting against attempts to smuggle jewelry across the customs border.


Narcotics have been seized at customs post Operative news

Customs authorities are systematically fighting against attempts to smuggle drugs into our country illegaly.


The marijuana stored in the basement have been exposed Operative news

Customs authorities are systematically fighting against illegal drug trafficking and trade.


Smugglers who attempt to import poor-quality medicines have been stopped Operative news

Customs authorities are systematically fighting the illicit trafficking of drugs of poor quality.


Illegal circulation of goods for 1 billion 20 million sums was stopped Operative news

Customs officers timely suppress the facts of illegal import through customs borders into the territory of our state.


Illicit import of psychotropic drugs have been prevented Operative news

There are more and more evidence in the world that psychotropic drugs cause irreparable harm to health.


The illicit trafficking of heroin was stopped. Operative news

Customs authorities are systematically fighting against illegal drug trafficking.


The plan to get privileges for 4 billion UZS for importing the old crane has failed Operative news

The customs authorities have uncovered attempts to misrepresent the year of manufacture of imported equipment from foreign countries, as well as change the commodity nomenclature code.


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