for entrepreneurs and
FEA participants
Illegal circulation of goods for 1 billion 20 million sums was stopped
Customs officers timely suppress the facts of illegal import through customs borders into the territory of our state.
Illegal circulation of goods for 1 billion 20 million sums was stopped

The other day, employees of the Department for combating smuggling and customs violations of the Tashkent regional administration, during the operational event in the Akhangaran region revealed facts of offenses committed in especially large amounts.

During the event, on the basis of operational information, "Isuzu" and two "Lacetti" cars driven by citizens G.R., K.B. and D.S. were stopped and inspected, with the participation of witnesses.

As a result of inspections, 13 varieties of inventory items with a total value of 1 billion 20 million soums in the form of various perfumes and medical devices were discovered in the luggage compartment of vehicles. The drivers did not have accompanying documents for the discovered goods.

Currently, customs checks are being carried out on the revealed facts of offenses.


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