for entrepreneurs and
FEA participants
The persons involved in illegal drug trafficking were seized
The customs authorities systematically combat the illicit trafficking of drugs.
The persons involved in illegal drug trafficking were seized

Employees of the Department for combating smuggling and customs violations of the Khorezm region, in cooperation with other law enforcement agencies, held an operative event to stop the illicit trafficking of drugs.

In particular, during the operative action in Urgench city a citizen D.Kh. was stopped and checked in prescribed manner. As a result, it was found out that he had 1 gramm of heroin in pockets and at home.

In the course of another operational event it was established that the suspect Sh.M. had a total weight of 7.1 grams of marijuana.

During the operation, the house and farms of the citizen K.M. were examined in the established order with the participation of witnesses.

As a result, it was found out that the suspect had a total weighing 345.2 grams of marijuana and 4.45 grams of cannabis.

In another case, a resident of Koshkupir district E.T. was found to have an "opium" weighing 3.0 grams, after examinig his house in the presence of witnesses and a service dog.



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