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Operative news
The drug traders were arrested Operative news

During an operational actions of customs officers, the drug traders was siezed.


The illegal import of 22 thousand units of medicines was stopped Operative news

Customs officers continue to take measures to combat violations related to the illegal import of drugs and medicines of unknown quality into our country.


A citizen who tried to smuggle about half a kilogram of gold in his body was detained Operative news

Customs officers are effectively combating the illegal movement of precious metals and jewelry across the customs borders of Uzbekistan.


Drugs worth more than 1 billion soums were withdrawn from illicit trafficking. Operative news

Customs officers regularly take measures to combat offenses related to the illegal importation of drugs and medicines of unknown quality into the territory of Uzbekistan.


Medicines of unknown quality for more than 132 million soums were seized Operative news

In spite of the fact that there are rules and norms for the importation and exportation of drugs and medical supplies through customs border, some offenses are being committed in order to gain profits.


Operational event held to prevent illegal drug trafficking in Bukhara Operative news

Customs authorities continue to fight against drug trafficking


An attempt to sell drugs has been prevented in Samarkand Operative news

Recently, a joint operational event was held by employees of the Anti-Smuggling and Customs Offenses Department of the SCC in the Samarkad Region and the Department of Internal Affairs of Kattakurgan city.


More than 2 kilograms of narcotics were hidden in Hyundai Getz Operative news

Customs officers are systematically fighting the illicit trafficking of narcotic substances.


Unusual fruit trees. Operative news

Customs officers have discovered "drug trees".


Drug courier has been stopped Operative news

Customs officers are effectively fighting against drug dealers and illicit trafficking of drugs.


High-tech foods with "call" option Operative news

A citizen who was trying to smuggle cell phones in secret was stopped at the Tashkent International Airport.


Cannabis in greenhouse Operative news

Customs officers are effectively fighting the illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs.


Illegal importation of medicines worth 131 mln UZS was eliminated Operative news

Customs officials are timely prevented the illegal import of medicines that are not guaranteed quality.


Customs officers seized medicines worth of 392 million soums Operative news

The State Customs Committee is struggling against the illicit import of pharmaceutical products that are not guaranteed quality.


A person attempting to import "Cannabis" was arrested Operative news

Customs officers are effectively fighting illicit drug trafficking through the country's borders.


Large amount of cash foreign currencies, hidden inside the handbag, were disclosed Operative news

Customs officials are effectively fighting the illegal crossing of cash foreign currency through the customs borders of our republic.


Sleeves for hunting ammunition did not get the target Operative news

Customs officers of Tashkent International Airport have timely disclosed the customs violation.


Pivileges for 1.5 billion sums were utilized for personal purposes Operative news

State Customs Committee's Department for Combating Smuggling and Customs Legislation have revealed cases of attempting to exclude commodities from customs duties by certain companies in Namangan region.


Hucksters were caught on time Operative news

The Bukhara Regional Customs administration, in cooperation with other law enforcement officials, held an emergency response to drug trafficking.


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