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Customs officers revealed poor quality medicines and medical supplies for 3.5 billion soums.
One of the suspects tried to escape during the detention
Customs officers revealed poor quality medicines and medical supplies for 3.5 billion soums.

Customs officers are struggling with the illicit trafficking of drugs and medical equipment of not guaranteed quality.

On April 20-21 of this year, officers of the State Customs Committee's Department for Combating smuggling and customs violations detected such kind of major violations. At the fast-operational event held in Bulungur district of Samarkand region, a vehicle driven by Z. Kh. has been inspected, as a result more than 10,600 units of drugs and 64 electrical meters imported illegally from the neighboring state through Navoi region were discovered.

Another "Nexia" driven by the citizen M.Q. was also taken onto surveillance. When the car was being unload in one of the houses in the Zangiota district, the person, who had seen the customs officials, immediately sat into car and tried to escape.

His attempt to escape was not in vain. When the house was examined, 1081 drugs, 330 kg of coppers and 49 electric meters were found here without any documents.

This person has been caught by customs officers in the Mirzaabad district of Syrdarya region.

14,685 units of medical devices and drugs, 400,000 excise stamps, 830 baby's dummies and 36 electric meters were detected when a car under his control were inspected.

As a result of the above-mentioned operational event, the illicit trafficking of foreign-made goods and material valuables for 1.9 billion soums was prevented.

Employees of the Tashkent Region Customs administration have also revealed similar violations. The truck driven by citizen X.G., on the route Namangan-Tashkent was stopped and inspected in Ahangaran district of Tashkent region.

As a result, more than 11.7 thousand pieces of cosmetics, biologically active additives by Herbalife brand and other goods, worth about $ 1.5 billion and which has been imported from the neighboring country illegally, belonging to the citizen M.U. were found in cargo bay.

In the case of customs violation revealed by customs officials of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the illegal action of citizen Kh.O. travelling by "Saratov-Tashkent" international passenger train were prevented. This person tried to get rid of 3000 pieces of illegally brought "Ketchut", medical threads used in surgery, worth 75mln. soums on platform.

In the period from 2019, by the State Customs Service the unsecured medical products and medicines worth 9.5 bln. soums were seized as material evidence.

Investigations are under way on the above-mentioned facts.

State Customs Committee

Information service


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