for entrepreneurs and
FEA participants
The illegal import of 22 thousand units of medicines was stopped
Customs officers continue to take measures to combat violations related to the illegal import of drugs and medicines of unknown quality into our country.
The illegal import of 22 thousand units of medicines was stopped

In particular, customs officers of the specialized customs complex “Tashkent-AERO” carried out customs control in accordance with the established procedure in relation to baggage of passengers arriving from abroad I. B. and U.D.

As a result of customs inspection conducted with the participation of witnesses, in the bags of citizens were found medicines, “Montalin” in the amount of 20 thousand units and “Samyum WAN” in the amount of 2 thousand units for a total of 60 million 300 thousand soums, hidden from the customs control. 

In another case, the attention of customs officers was attracted by the strange nervous behavior of citizen N.V., who had flown from abroad. As a result of a personal customs search, psychotropic drugs called “Codeine Phospate” in the amount of 173 units were found in the citizen’s bags, which weren’t declared during oral questioning to customs officers and  free sale on the territory of our state is limited.

Currently, customs investigations are underway.


Press service of SCC "Tashkent-AERO"


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