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Operative news
The drug courier's plan came to naught Operative news

During a number of urgent measures taken by the customs authorities, drug trafficking is being stopped.


Customs officers put an end to the activities of a criminal group engaged in large-scale illegal imports Operative news

Today, our country has created many facilities in the customs sphere for participants in foreign economic activity.


Drugs were hidden in a barber shop. Operative news

The customs authorities are systematically fighting against drug trafficking.


The drugs in the shipments did not reach customer Operative news

According to current regulations, the shipment of narcotic drugs as well as narcotic plants and their seeds, by international mail is prohibited. Nevertheless, there are still cases of unlawful sending of drugs by mail.


Another case of drug trafficking was prevented by customs officials in Surkhandarya Operative news

In our country, the cultivation, production, sale and consumption of drugs is prohibited by law, and the relevant articles of the Criminal Code provide criminal penalties.


5,600 drugs hidden inside doors were uncovered Operative news

The customs authorities are systematically fighting against the illicit trafficking of potent drugs.


Drug trafficking has been stopped by customs officials Operative news

Protecting the security and health of our people is one of the top priorities in these difficult days.


The illicit trade in opium has been exposed Operative news

The customs authorities are systematically fighting against drug trafficking.


A person secretly cultivating drugs has been exposed Operative news

The customs authorities regularly take urgent measures against drug trafficking.


Drugs wrapped in candy wrappers have been exposed Operative news

The customs authorities are systematically fighting against drug trafficking.


The illicit drug trade was exposed Operative news

The customs authorities are systematically fighting against drug trafficking.


192 grams of "heroin" were hidden in a car. Operative news

It is no secret that drug addiction is a serious and global problem today as well as a threat to human life. As a result, many people are losing their health and the peace of many families is being disrupted.


A man illegally selling mercury for $ 17,500 has been stopped. Operative news

Customs officers are fighting hard against the illicit trafficking of mercury, which is considered a high risk for any living organism.


The plan to smuggle a Toyota Tundra has failed. Operative news

Attempts to evade payment of customs duties are timely eliminated by the customs authorities.


The illicit trafficking of medical supplies has been prevented Operative news

The illegal trade in medicines and medical devices of non-guaranteed quality is being stopped timely by the customs authorities.


Ammo hidden among the tree branches were exposed Operative news

The customs authorities are systematically fighting against the illegal storage, distribution and trafficking of ammunition.


A man trying to sell drugs for 4000$ was arrested. Operative news

Customs authorities are systematically fighting against drug trafficking.


Drug trafficking was exposed Operative news

The customs authorities are systematically fighting against drug trafficking.


The illegal sale of medicines was prevented Operative news

The customs authorities are systematically fighting against the illegal storage, distribution and clandestine sale of medicines and medical supplies of unguaranteed quality.


The sale of medicines of guaranteed quality has been stopped by customs officers Operative news

Human health is above all. When we get sick, we often go to pharmacies and buy medicines as we know, instead of going to the doctor. However, there are people who take advantage of such situations and try to earn money by buying drugs without any documents, even if they endanger the lives of citizens.


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