for entrepreneurs and
FEA participants
A man trying to sell drugs for 4000$ was arrested.
Customs authorities are systematically fighting against drug trafficking.
A man trying to sell drugs for 4000$ was arrested.

In particular, the staff of the Andijan regional customs administration held an operational event to prevent drug trafficking.

During the event citizen M.Sh. was caught with material evidence while trying to sell 323.11 gr. of “hashish” drug to a conditional buyer for $ 4,000.

It was also revealed that he had 0.27 grams of "hashish" in his pocket.

The operation was continued and the citizen M.A. was also examined in the prescribed manner with the participation of attesting witnesses.

As a result, it was revealed that 0.88 grams of hashish was hidden between the case of his mobile phone and 0.73 grams under the driver's seat of a "Nexia" car.

During the operation, a total of 324.99 grams of "hashish" drugs were seized from the offenders as material evidence.

At present, the customs authorities are investigating the case.


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