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Ammo hidden among the tree branches were exposed
The customs authorities are systematically fighting against the illegal storage, distribution and trafficking of ammunition.
Ammo hidden among the tree branches were exposed

In particular, at the request of the citizen A.Z., the staff of the Tashkent city customs administration has inspected one of the trees along the canal, which flows through the Khavas district of Syrdarya region, in the presence of attesting witnesses.

As a result, it was found that 16 rounds of ammunition were hidden in each of the 2 boxes wrapped in cloth between one of the trees.

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the 32 rounds of ammunition were intended for 9 mm Makarov, Stechkin, Cedar and Cypriot pistols, and were classified as combat ammunition. 

At present, the customs authorities are investigating the case.


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