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The sale of medicines of guaranteed quality has been stopped by customs officers
Human health is above all. When we get sick, we often go to pharmacies and buy medicines as we know, instead of going to the doctor. However, there are people who take advantage of such situations and try to earn money by buying drugs without any documents, even if they endanger the lives of citizens.
The sale of medicines of guaranteed quality has been stopped by customs officers

Employees of the customs administration of Jizzakh region held an operational event against the illegal sale of unfit for consumption, non-guaranteed quality drugs.

During the event, the apartment of D.M., a resident of Jizzakh, was inspected with the participation of attesting witnesses.

As a result, it was found that 182 types of medicines and medical supplies worth 170.4 million soums were stored in the apartment without proper documents.

Also, during the inspection of 3 drug stores in Jizzakh, it was found that these stores have 64 types of drugs worth 33.2 million soums without proper receipts and certificates of conformity.

At present, the customs authorities are investigating the case.


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