for entrepreneurs and
FEA participants
The illicit trafficking of medical supplies has been prevented
The illegal trade in medicines and medical devices of non-guaranteed quality is being stopped timely by the customs authorities.
The illicit trafficking of medical supplies has been prevented

Employees of the Specialized customs complex "Tashkent-Aero" held an operation in one of the parking lots of Sergeli district against the illicit trafficking of medical devices.

During the event, citizen O.J. was arrested near Tashkent International Airport with material evidence while illegally selling 198 virus blockers to a conditional buyer.

After that, the operation was continued, and in the parking lot of Sergeli district, a citizen R.R. was also apprehanded while selling 1,000 overseas-produced virus blockers illegally to a conditional buyer.

During the operation, a total of 1198 units of uncertified virus blockers worth 61.5 million soums were seized as material evidence.

At present, the customs authorities are investigating the case.


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