for entrepreneurs and
FEA participants
Drug trafficking was exposed
The customs authorities are systematically fighting against drug trafficking.
Drug trafficking was exposed

In particular, the staff of the Tashkent city customs administration took urgent measures to prevent drug trafficking.

During the operational event, citizen T.A. driving a "Tracker" car was stopped and inspected in accordance with the established procedure.

As a result, it was found that the person had in his pocket "opium" with a net weight of 91.36 grams and "hashish" with a net weight of 98.73 grams.

The event continued, and citizens E.T. and A.A. sold these drugs to citizen T.A. were captured. A piece of wire with narcotics on the end was discovered in the bag of citizen A.A.' and seized as material evidence.

At present, the customs authorities are investigating the case.


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