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192 grams of "heroin" were hidden in a car.
It is no secret that drug addiction is a serious and global problem today as well as a threat to human life. As a result, many people are losing their health and the peace of many families is being disrupted.

Therefore, in order to combat drug addiction and eliminate the harmful effects of this scourge, as in all law enforcement agencies, systematic measures are being taken in the customs system.

In particular, the staff of the Department for Combating smuggling and customs audit of the Tashkent region customs administration together with the staff of the State Security Service conducted an operation.

During the event, the "Spark" vehicle driven by citizen M.A. was stopped and inspected in accordance with the established procedure.

As a result, it was found that 192 grams of "heroin" was hidden under the rear left seat of the vehicle.

The case is currently under investigation by the customs authorities.


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