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Operative news
Illegal sale of medicines worth 200 million soums has failed Operative news

The customs authorities are systematically fighting against the illicit trafficking of unsafe medicines.


510 gr of jewelry made of gold were hidden under a fur coat and socks Operative news

The customs officers of the country continue to take measures to prevent the smuggling of gold across the customs border.


Shampoo made of heroin? Operative news

The customs officers of the republic exposed another attempt to smuggle drugs across the customs border.


Illegal drug trafficking was prevented Khorezm Operative news

The customs authorities are systematically fighting against drug trafficking.


Customs officers uncovered a jacket and carpet soaked with heroin Operative news

The State Customs Service is constantly taking urgent measures to stop drug trafficking.


A drug hidden inside a spectacle case has been exposed Operative news

The customs authorities are systematically fighting against drug trafficking.


The smuggling of unsafe medical devices was stopped Operative news

Customs authorities are effectively combating the illegal entry of unsafe medical devices into the country.


The cash foreign currency hidden in the shoes have been exposed Operative news

The customs authorities are effectively combating the smuggling of cash foreign and national currencies across the borders of our country.


A passenger who tried to carry jewelry hidden in a baby stroller has been stopped Operative news

Attempts to smuggle jewelry made of precious metals and precious stones are being prevented in a timely manner by customs authorities.


Customs officers uncovered "marijuana" hidden under the wagon Operative news

Despite the fact that our country is taking drastic measures against drug trafficking and consumption, it is unfortunate that some young people who take life lightly are still falling into this trap.


Customs officers put an end to the illegal sale of drugs worth about 56 mln. UZS Operative news

The illegal actions of those who tried to take advantage of the people's need for medicines in order to make a profit were timely stopped by customs officers.


Customs officers arrested individuals who hid drugs weighed about 1.7 kg. inside their bodies. Operative news

The customs officers of the country continue to take urgent measures to stop drug trafficking.



Drug trafficking has been prevented by customs officials Operative news

Illegal cultivation, production, sale and consumption of drugs is prohibited by law, and the relevant articles of the Criminal Code provide criminal penalties.


The illicit trafficking of drugs worth 112 million soums was stopped Operative news

The customs authorities are systematically fighting against the illicit trafficking of medicines of unknown quality.


The plan to smuggle jewelry have been exposed Operative news

Attempts to smuggle jewelry are being systematically combated by customs.


Customs officers found goods worth 6 billion soums not mentioned in declaration Operative news

The customs authorities are systematically fighting against attempts to smuggle goods into the country.


Attempt to smuggle drugs of unknown quality into the country have been stopped Operative news

The customs authorities are systematically fighting against the attempts to smuggle drugs into our country, the quality of which is not guaranteed.


An attempt to smuggle $ 29,000 was exposed Operative news

The customs authorities are systematically fighting against the illegal export of cash foreign currency from our country.


Customs officers prevented illegal trade of hashish weighing almost 5 kg Operative news

Customs authorities are working hard to combat drug trafficking.


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