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Drugs worth more than 1 billion soums were withdrawn from illicit trafficking.
Customs officers regularly take measures to combat offenses related to the illegal importation of drugs and medicines of unknown quality into the territory of Uzbekistan.
Drugs worth more than 1 billion soums were withdrawn from illicit trafficking.

In particular, employees of the Combating Smuggling and Customs Offenses departmnet of the SCC in Namangan region and regional office of the State Security Service in the Uychi district held a joint operational event.

On the basis of the information received, the car “Lacetti” was stopped and inspected in the established manner.

As a result of the inspections carried out, in the cabin and the luggage compartment of the car, drugs of 54 types worth over 412 million soums were discovered, which had not necessary documents.

After that, the event was continued and the house belonging to citizen M.Y. was inspected in accordance with the established procedure. During the inspection, in the garden, located in the back of the courtyard, 93 species of drugs were found, which worth more than 591 million soums.

As a result of the operational event, a total of over 1 billion soums worth of drugs were seized as evidence from illegal traffic.

Currently, on the revealed facts of violations, customs checks are underway.



Press service of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan


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