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Customs officers prevented illegal import of carrot seeds
Customs authorities have been systematically fighting against illegal import.
Customs officers prevented illegal import of carrot seeds

In particular, the actions of citizen K.A. who arrived in Tashkent International Airport, attracted the attention of customs authorities and was subjected to customs examination in the prescribed manner.

As a result, it was revealed that in the luggage of this person there were more than 30 kilograms of carrot seeds with a total value of 105 million soums, which exceeds the norms of duty free import for individuals.

Customs authorities are currently investigating this incident.

Note that import of plant products in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers № 65 "On approval of Regulations on the procedure for protection of the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan from harmful plant quarantine organisms and passing quarantine procedures" is regulated by the State Inspection for Plant Quarantine.


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