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The poppy hidden in Volkswagen has been stopped
Today, there are still a number of factors that pose a threat to the future of humanity all over the world. One of these risks is the drug scourge.
The poppy hidden in Volkswagen has been stopped

Customs officers are preventing timely entry of such dangerous diseases into our country.

For example, customs officers of the Karakalpakstan regional department's border post "Khojeyli" inspected a Volkswagen vehicle belonging to a citizen entering our country. As a result, it was find out that 11.7 grams of dried poppy were hidden in the car.

In another case, the citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan, who arrived to our country through the "Ayritom" border customs post of the Customs Administration of Surkhandarya region were subjected to customs inspection in prescribed manner.

As a result of the search of the wallet belonging to the man, they found 0.55 grams of hashish in the package.

Customs investigations on these cases are underway.


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