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At first sight the trailer was empty but ...
In Kashkadarya region, customs officers continue to work with law enforcement agencies to prevent the smuggling of non-ferrous metals from the territory of our country.
At first sight the trailer was empty but ...

In particular, during the operational event in Chirakchi district held by customs officers of the Kashkadarya regional customs department together with the police officers, a Kamaz truck driven by N.B. was stopped and inspected in the presence of witnesses.

At first glance, the car's luggage seemed empty, but it was discovered that there were a secret place hidden with board. At this secret place was hidden 1 ton 244 kg of non-ferrous metals.

The non-ferrous scrap metal cost 16 million soums was obtained as material evidence and transferred to the regional branch of JSC "Uzikkilamchirangmetzavod".

An investigation is underway.


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