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75.5 million soums worth of non-ferrous metals, hidden between the oil and grain products were discovered by customs officials
And this is not the first case of non-ferrous metal smuggling
75.5 million soums worth of non-ferrous metals, hidden between the oil and grain products were discovered by customs officials

In particular, during the operational event held by the customs administration of Navoi region "Isuzu" vehicle driven by a citizen B.B. were stopped and checked in the prescribed manner.

As a result, 1003 kilograms of non-ferrous metals worth 18.1 million sums hidden in the car's luggage were found.

In another case, another "Isuzu" truck were stopped and checked in the prescribed manner.

During the inspection it was found out that there were 3160 kilograms of non-ferrous metals worth 57.3 million soums, hidden in the grain, without proper documentation.


Customs authorities are currently investigating these cases.


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