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Customs officers seized more than 3.7 kg of marijuana in the city of Almalyk
The fight against smuggling of narcotic, psychotropic and potent substances, as well as their analogues and precursors, is one of the priority tasks of the State Customs Service of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Customs officers seized more than 3.7 kg of marijuana in the city of Almalyk

The other day, during an operational event, the employees of the Department for Combating Smuggling and Customs Violations of the Tashkent Regional Customs administration prevented the fact of such offense.

In particular, during the operational event held in the city of Almalyk, citizen K.V. was examined in the established order, with the participation of witnesses. As a result of inspections 315 grams of fried marijuana (roast) were discovered.

After that, the event was continued and based on the information received from this citizen, one of the abandoned buildings of the city was checked. As a result of inspections inside, a hidden bag of marijuana in the amount of 3.4 kilos was found by customs officers.

As a result of the operational event, a total of 3 kilograms 720 grams of marijuana was withdrawn, as illegal evidence, from illicit trafficking.

Currently, customs checks are being carried out on the fact of violation.

Press Service of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan


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