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Illicit trafficking of drugs and medical supplies of unknown quality for 778 million soums have been stopped.
Customs authorities systematically carry out measures to combat the illicit trafficking of drugs and medical supplies of unknown quality.


In particular, another fact of the offense was revealed and timely suppressed during an operational event held in the Sergeli district by employees of Department for combating smuggling and customs violations of the Tashkent regional customs administration in cooperation with representatives of the State Security Service.

During the event, an inspection of the residential building of citizen Kh.Z. was held.

As a result of the checks, in the cabin of a "Nexia 3" car parked in the courtyard of the house owned by citizen R.O., 726 units of drugs worth 177 million 200 thousand soums were found without the necessary documents.

After that, as a result of an inspection of another car parked in the courtyard of the same house, 3,400 units of foreign drugs worth a total of 510 million soums were found in the passenger compartment.

In the course of operational actions, illicit drugs for 687 million 230 thousand soums were seized from circulation.

Also, during an operational event held in the Zangiata district of the region in the house of citizen M.N. illicitly stored drugs and medical supplies totaling more than 90 million soums were discovered.

Currently, customs checks are carried out on the facts of violations.


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