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Customs officers found almost 21 kg of marijuana in Termez
One of the priority tasks of customs is the identification, prevention and suppression of crimes in the field of illicit trafficking and cultivation of drugs.
Customs officers found almost 21 kg of marijuana in Termez

In particular, during a joint operational event held in Termez by employees of the department of anti-smuggling and сustoms violations of the Surkhandarya Regional Customs Administration and representatives of the Regional Internal Affairs ministry, the fact of illegal cultivation and possession of drugs was revealed.

During the event, on the basis of the operational information received, a “Spark” car driven by a citizen Kh. B. was stopped and checked in accordance with the established procedure.

As a result of an inspection conducted with the participation of witnesses, 14 pieces of paper parcels were found in the citizen’s pockets in which there was a narcotic substance marijuana in a total amount of 18.43 g.

After that, the event was continued, and following the testimony of the detainee, the house of a citizen of Sh.Sh. was also examined.

During inspections at the back of the courtyard, 1 cannabis bush was discovered there, as well as stored marijuana in plastic bags and matchboxes in a total amount of about 21 kg.

Currently, a criminal case has been opened on the revealed fact and pre-investigation checks are ongoing.


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