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Customs officers stopped the illegal export of unique cultural property worth over 2.2 billion UZS
One of the main tasks of the customs authorities is to monitor the export and import of cultural property in accordance with the law.
Customs officers stopped the illegal export of unique cultural property worth over 2.2 billion UZS

The other day, employees of State Customs Committee for the Syrdarya Region prevented the illegal export of unique historical and cultural values ​​from the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Employees of the Syrdarya border customs post pay attention to the suspicious nervousness of driver on vehicle with trailer.

Then, with the participation of witnesses and the driver himself, a thorough customs inspection of the car and the contents of the trailer was carried out.

During the customs inspection it was found out that in the trailer, in addition to the declared cargo, there were unique historical values ​​hidden from customs control, namely, 32 units of porcelain figurines, 1 religious icon, 1 unit of a religious cross, 12 units of jugs of different diameters made using the cloisonne technique and one china vases. The proper permits for transportation issued by the Ministry of Culture were not available.

Discovered cultural values ​​were transferred to an art examination.

As a result of an examination conducted by art historians of the Department of Art Examination of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan, it was found that some of the discovered cultural values was produced in China in the late XVII and early XVIII centuries, and the rest in the late XIX and early XX centuries in Western Europe, and the total cost of 47 units of unique items was more than 2.2 billion soums.

All items that have passed the examination will be transferred to the funds of the State Museum of Art.

Currently, customs investigations are being carried out on the fact of violation.

Press Service of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan


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