for entrepreneurs and
FEA participants
Attempt to traffic 28 thousand units of psychotropic drugs illegally had been prevented.
As you know, the use of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances, the sale of which is limited on the territory of our Republic, without a doctor’s prescription is prohibited by law.


In order to identify and suppress offenses related to the illegal import of drugs that are prohibited or restricted for circulation in the territory of our country, customs officers regularly conduct operational investigative measures.

The other day, during the operational event, the illegal traffic in a large batch of psychotropic drugs was stopped by employees of the department of Combating smuggling and customs violations of the Ferghana regional customs administration.

During the event on the border territory, on the basis of operational information, a citizen M.G. was detained upon receipt of 2 boxes transferred to him through a passing taxi.

As a result of the checks, it turned out that the boxes contained 28 thousand units of potent psychotropic drugs worth 300 million soums.

Currently, investigative measures are being taken on the fact of violation.


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