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How much time does it take to customs clearance of goods at customs posts? View the results for JULY. Technologies

Starting from 2019, information about the monthly total on the time spent on customs processing of export and import of goods and vehicles by participants of foreign economic activity at customs posts began to be published on the official website of the State Customs Committee. Thus, below you can find the information for July 2019.


The new edition of the Customs Code is under public discussion. Customs committee gives clarifications Reports and speeches

Large-scale reforms implemented in our country in all spheres by the President Shavkat Mirziyoev, contribute to the further growth of the economic power of the republic and the welfare of its people.


Drones that “flew” from abroad “landed” at the airport Operative news

Customs authorities are systematically combating violations of customs legislation.


Unlimited celebration of a "brand new" Audi is over Operative news

Customs officers are systematically fighting against customs offenses


Growing marijuana cost too much Operative news

The Anti-Smuggling and Customs Offenses department of Andijan Region customs administration jointly with the regional Department of internal affairs carried out a large-scale operation to detect drug smuggling.


Medicines of unidentified quality for about 216 million soums were seized during a customs inspection Operative news

Customs authorities are actively involved in the fight against illicit trafficking of medicines in the republic.


Increase in Exports - The Prosperity of the Country! Spiritual and educational activities

At present, important reforms are being implemented to expand and liberalize entrepreneurship in the country, attraction of foreign direct investments, increase of export potential of our products, elimination of bureaucratic barriers that impede the full development of export and investment, further improvement of the state support of entrepreneurs, creation of favorable conditions for them and their comprehensive support.


Customs officers seized non licensed hunting weapon and 2 kg. 200 gr. of hidden poppy. Operative news

The State Customs Committee's department for Combating Smuggling has uncovered another case of illicit trafficking of weapons and drugs.


At first sight the trailer was empty but ... Operative news

In Kashkadarya region, customs officers continue to work with law enforcement agencies to prevent the smuggling of non-ferrous metals from the territory of our country.


Customs officers seized more than 3.7 kg of marijuana in the city of Almalyk Operative news

The fight against smuggling of narcotic, psychotropic and potent substances, as well as their analogues and precursors, is one of the priority tasks of the State Customs Service of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


The poppy hidden in Volkswagen has been stopped Operative news

Today, there are still a number of factors that pose a threat to the future of humanity all over the world. One of these risks is the drug scourge.


The drug traders were arrested Operative news

During an operational actions of customs officers, the drug traders was siezed.


Customs services of Belarus and Uzbekistan will cooperate in the fight against offenses News of international cooperation

On July 31 of the current year, negotiations between the heads of the customs services of the Republic of Belarus Yuri Senko and the Republic of Uzbekistan Murodjon Azimov took place in Minsk.


Customs officers became the winners of “Taraqqiyot” republican contest Events

The Academy of State Administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan hosted the awarding ceremony of the winners and participants of the final stage of the “Taraqqiyot” republican contest for the selection of promising management personnel.


Customs officers won Scholarships of the "El-Yurt Umidi" foundation. Events

The other day, in the Palace of Culture of the Tashkent State University of Economics, a ceremony of awarding candidates approved by the Decision of the Fund’s Board of Trustees as scholarship holders, with certificates of scholarships successfully passed all stages of the competition announced for ministries, departments and organizations by the "El-Yurt Umidi" Foundation for training abroad and dialogue with compatriots under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


The illegal import of 22 thousand units of medicines was stopped Operative news

Customs officers continue to take measures to combat violations related to the illegal import of drugs and medicines of unknown quality into our country.


A citizen who tried to smuggle about half a kilogram of gold in his body was detained Operative news

Customs officers are effectively combating the illegal movement of precious metals and jewelry across the customs borders of Uzbekistan.


Drugs worth more than 1 billion soums were withdrawn from illicit trafficking. Operative news

Customs officers regularly take measures to combat offenses related to the illegal importation of drugs and medicines of unknown quality into the territory of Uzbekistan.


Combating human trafficking is one of the most important tasks Law enforcement activities

A legal awareness campaign dedicated to the World Day against Trafficking in Persons was held at the Specialized Customs Complex "Tashkent-AERO" of the State Customs Committee.


Within the framework of the "Borderless Friendship" festival, guests from Panjakent visited Samarkand region. Events

Entrepreneurs, farmers, professors and artists led by the head of Panjikent district of the Republic of Tajikistan visited Urgut district through the Jartepa border post, within the framework of the festival called "Borderless Friendship".


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