for entrepreneurs and
FEA participants
Combating human trafficking is one of the most important tasks
A legal awareness campaign dedicated to the World Day against Trafficking in Persons was held at the Specialized Customs Complex "Tashkent-AERO" of the State Customs Committee.
Combating human trafficking is one of the most important tasks

The event was attended by customs officers and specialists of the Anti-Terrorism Department of the Department of Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and specialists of the social-information center "Istiqbolli Avlod".

It should be noted that the Center, established in 2001, has been working on the project to support the implementation of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On combating human trafficking" aimed at supporting the representatives of the targeted group of vulnerable people and women, to help those who had come across with human trafficking to return social life, and those who wants to return to their homeland.

During the event, it was explained to the passengers how important it is for them to be able to deal with foreign labor and how to deal with problems, how to get out of the men who are dealing with trafficking, how to obey the laws of foreign countries and return to their families safely.

At the end of the event, the booklets were distributed to the passengers and asked to respond to the questions they were interested in, and reminded them that they could call the State Customs Committee "hotline" 11-08 on cases of trafficking in human beings.


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