for entrepreneurs and
FEA participants
A person attempting to import "Cannabis" was arrested Operative news

Customs officers are effectively fighting illicit drug trafficking through the country's borders.


A meeting with the Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations, Executive director of the Office on Drugs and Crime held at the State Customs Committee News of international cooperation

On May 2, 2019, the State Customs Committee held a meeting with the Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations, Executive Director of the Office on Drugs and Crime Yuri Fedotov, who arrived in Tashkent to attend the 11th meeting of themembers signed the Memorandum of Understanding on Regional Cooperation on Drug Control.


Listeners of the Customs Institute took an active part in the campaign dedicatd to the memory of The Second World War. Meetings and seminars

The campaign for sharing the "Tapes of honor" as a symbol of respect for our compatriots, who have made their contribution to the victory in Second World War, is ongoing in the country.


Customs officials also took an active part in the "Day of Career." Events

At the Job Fair, held at the Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov, representatives of the State Customs Committee were among the major companies and organizations.


Get acquainted with new law on customs sphere! Changes in legislation

For further improvement of administrative procedures in the implementation of foreign economic activity, improvement of business conditions, as well as five priorities of development strategy of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017-2021 and the tasks set by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan from December 12, 2018 "On measures for technical regulation, further development of certification and metrology systems in the Republic of Uzbekistan "No. PD-4059. On April 23, 2019 a decree "On further improvement of administrative procedures in the implementation of foreign economic activity" was adopted by the President of the Republic.


Large amount of cash foreign currencies, hidden inside the handbag, were disclosed Operative news

Customs officials are effectively fighting the illegal crossing of cash foreign currency through the customs borders of our republic.


Sleeves for hunting ammunition did not get the target Operative news

Customs officers of Tashkent International Airport have timely disclosed the customs violation.


Pedagogical innovation: actual issues of language learning Events

The Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan №PP-3995 “On measures for radical improvement of training system of customs authorities of the Republic of Uzbekistan” defines the tasks for the development of language training and the organization of an effective educational process.


Pivileges for 1.5 billion sums were utilized for personal purposes Operative news

State Customs Committee's Department for Combating Smuggling and Customs Legislation have revealed cases of attempting to exclude commodities from customs duties by certain companies in Namangan region.


Hucksters were caught on time Operative news

The Bukhara Regional Customs administration, in cooperation with other law enforcement officials, held an emergency response to drug trafficking.


There is no way for illegal export of ancient coins Operative news

It is forbidden to export from the Republic of Uzbekistan cultural values, which are kept in state and public museums, archives, libraries and other storage sites, included in the lists and registers of the State, and created fifty years ago or earlier.


A media tour for journalists: a new building of the "Sergeli FEA" customs post was introduced.

Within the framework of the "Public Monitoring in the Implementation of State Programs: Mutual Cooperation of Journalists and Government Bodies" of Public fund for Supporting Independent Print Media and News Agencies of Uzbekistan, a media tour was organized to "Sergeli" and "General Pochtamt" foreign economic activity (FEA) customs posts jointly with the State Customs Committee.


Unusual chocolate from Dehli Operative news

The State Customs Committee continues to undertake rapid measures to prevent illigal circulation of narcotic drugs in the Republic of Uzbekistan by smuggling.


Welcome to International Legal Forum! Events

International forum "Tashkent Law Spring" will be held in Tashkent on April 25-27, 2019.


Chairman of the State Customs Committee held a meeting with representatives of the UAE Customs Administration News of international cooperation

The meeting with the representatives of the UAE-Dubai Customs Administration under the leadership of Mrs. Nodiya Abdullah Kamali were held at the State customs committee.


To the attention of business entities registered in Tashkent city! Announcements, tenders and competitions

At present, according to logic control functions set out in the Foreign Trade Operations Single Electronic Information System amendments to foreign trade contracts are made only by the permission of Regional Customs Administrationx. For this purpose, businessmen had to come to the departments directly and present their contracts. This will affect the time spent on customs clearance.


The hidden circulation of "Marihuana" was exposed Operative news

The State Customs Committee's Department of Combating smuggling and Customs Legislation in conjunction with the law enforcement agencies held an emergency event on the illicit trafficking of narcotic substances.


The "gold swallower's" flight was postponed Operative news

Customs officers of Tashkent International Airport stopped the person trying to smuggle gold scraps.


"Love Letters" didn't get their destination Operative news

Customs officers provide economic security of the country as well as they do not allow the withdrawal of our cultural treasures abroad.


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