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Pedagogical innovation: actual issues of language learning
The Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan №PP-3995 “On measures for radical improvement of training system of customs authorities of the Republic of Uzbekistan” defines the tasks for the development of language training and the organization of an effective educational process.
Pedagogical innovation: actual issues of language learning

In order to fulfill the tasks 19 April, 2019 at the Customs Institute of the State customs Committee held a round table on theme “Pedagogical innovation: actual issues of language learning.”

The round table was attended by scientists and researchers from various higher educational institutions of our Republic, in particular, from the National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent state pedagogical University named after Nizami, Uzbek state University of world languages, Tashkent state law University, the Heads, teaching staff and cadets of the Customs Institute.

At the event, reports on topical issues and issues of teaching foreign languages, information and communication and innovative technologies of teaching foreign languages, educational and methodological support in teaching languages, speech situations in teaching Uzbek and Russian languages, methods of teaching on an integrative basis were heard.

Special attention was also paid to the issues of improving the effectiveness of the subject-language integrated approach in the training of future specialists of customs authorities. At the event was demonstrated an educational project in English prepared by the talented cadets of the Customs of the Institute.

During the discussions, the participants of the round table expressed suggestions and opinions on further improving the efficiency of teaching foreign languages.



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