for entrepreneurs and
FEA participants
A media tour for journalists: a new building of the "Sergeli FEA" customs post was introduced.
Within the framework of the "Public Monitoring in the Implementation of State Programs: Mutual Cooperation of Journalists and Government Bodies" of Public fund for Supporting Independent Print Media and News Agencies of Uzbekistan, a media tour was organized to "Sergeli" and "General Pochtamt" foreign economic activity (FEA) customs posts jointly with the State Customs Committee.
A media tour for journalists: a new building of the

It was attended by heads of information services of khokimiyats of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and the city of Tashkent, as well as editors of periodical magazines and newspapers, online publications, bloggers and active journalists working in central editorial offices.

The starting point of the media tour was the "Sergeli FEA" customs post in Sergeli district. A few days ago, the post began to work in a new building in the territory of the "UzTex Tashkent" joint venture.

In the media roundtable, the journalists were given detailed information on the ongoing reforms being implemented in the country, including the further liberalization of foreign economic activity, the promotion of export-oriented products, the simplification of the customs clearance process, improvement of customs administration, introduction of modern forms and methods of customs control.

Conditions created for the members of foreign economic activity at the "Sergeli FEA" customs post was also a practical outcome of the measures taken in this direction.

Previously, the post office in the outskirts of the city moved to the center. Customs clearance and of goods importing and exporting by railway and vehicles is carried out here.

In the administrative building there are not only the customs post, but also all the conditions created for the operation of various certification bodies and front offices which serve to replenish customs declarations for free.

During the media tour, journalists were introduced to the work of "Risk Management System" which were implemented in customs from December 1, 2018.

In its turn, this system serves to reduce administrative barriers for foreign economic activity participants, to reduce customs clearance, to improve quality, and to encourage the participation of honest foreign economic activity participants.

In the same area there are customs warehouses with a total area of ​​12.3 thousand sq.m. And warehouses equipped with surveillance cameras according to the requirements of customs control standarts.


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