for entrepreneurs and
FEA participants
Revealed the fact of an attempt to smuggle 40 thousand US dollars inside sneakers Operative news

The customs authorities timely prevent the facts of illegal export of cash foreign currency through the customs borders of our state.



From February 1, 2020, the procedure will be introduced for processing permits and certificates required for export-import operations through the Single Window customs information system.


Customs officers exposed a passenger attempting to smuggle over 1 kg of jewelry at the Tashkent airport Operative news

At the capital airport, one of the citizens from neighboring country was trying to smuggle gold made jewelry while moving through the "green" corridor.


The "marijuana" was hidden between train wheels Operative news

Customs authorities are systematically fighting the illicit trafficking of drugs.


An opium drug hidden in a train wagon was uncovered by customs officers Operative news

Customs authorities are systematically fighting against attempts to smuggle drugs into our country.


In Jizzakh, customs officers detained persons attempting to smuggle marijuana weighed about 409 gr. Operative news

It is well known that drugs are a threat to human health and life. It is not accidental that the fight against it's trade is on high level in our country.


The confidence expressed was not justified Operative news

We cannot say that the opportunities provided by the state to entrepreneurs in the customs system are used by all businessmen in the right way, with honesty. There are cases of attempts to abuse the trust of the state, using the conditions to their advantage.


What was hidden under the train? Operative news

It is known that the illegal import of narcotic substances, as well as their trafficking is strictly prohibited by law, and entails criminal liability. In this regard, one of the priority tasks of the customs authorities is the identification, prevention and suppression of crimes in the field of their illegal turnover and cultivation.


Customs officers revealed the fact of illegal import of more than 8 tons of kiwi fruit. Operative news

The other day, during the operational event held by the employees of the Alat border customs post in the Bukhara region, the fact of illegal import of a large consignment of fruits was stopped.


Customs officers detained a drug trafficking gang Operative news

Employees of the Department for Combating Smuggling and Customs Violations of the State Customs Committee, the Specialized Customs Complex “Tashkent-AERO” and the Customs Administration for the Surkhandarya region, revealed the fact of smuggling of a large batch of narcotic substances.


What's hidden in the secret place behind car seats? Operative news

Offenders who attempt to smuggle non-ferrous metals are timely detected by the customs authorities.


Drugs of not guaranteed quality were confiscated Operative news

Customs authorities are fighting hardly to secure the illegal import of drugs of poor quality.


Persons attempting to smuggle the optical sight of the sniper rifle have been stopped Operative news

According to Article 246 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan criminal liability is established for attempting to smuggle through customs border of arms and ammunition without declaring them, bypassing or hiding from customs control.


Smuggling of drugs had been stopped Operative news

The other day, as a result of an operational event conducted by customs officers in the Republic of Karakalpakstan in cooperation with representatives of the State Security Service, the fact of illegal sale of drugs was suppressed.


A youth forum and press conference on "Corruption - a threat to security" was held at the Customs Institute Fighting corruption

The plan of measures approved by the State Customs Service within the implementation of the "Road Map" on effective implementation of the concept of raising legal culture of society in 2019, approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


Illicit trafficking of drugs and medical supplies of unknown quality for 778 million soums have been stopped. Operative news

Customs authorities systematically carry out measures to combat the illicit trafficking of drugs and medical supplies of unknown quality.


An attempt to smuggle 1.1 million pyrotechnics has been uncovered Operative news

As the New Year approaches, smuggling, transportation across the border and sales of pyrotechnics are increasing. In this regard, a systematic work is being carried out at border areas to combat illicit trafficking in pyrotechnics.


Attempt to traffic 28 thousand units of psychotropic drugs illegally had been prevented. Operative news

As you know, the use of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances, the sale of which is limited on the territory of our Republic, without a doctor’s prescription is prohibited by law.


The procedure for placing goods under the customs regime "processing in the customs territory" has been simplified Changes in legislation

The draft Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the adoption of the procedure for the processing of goods in the customs territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan” prepared by the Ministry of Investments and Foreign Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan is presented for public discussion on the discussion portal of regulatory documents of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


The phones hidden inside an electric scooter were exposed Operative news

Attempts to smuggle cell phones are timely eliminated by customs officers.


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